
Mechanical Core Aeration – Weed Man

CORE AERATION: STIMULATE ROOT GROWTH AND REDUCE THATCH ALL AT ONCE!! The introduction for small finger sized holes in your lawn with the removal of small cor…
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Core aeration – which can be performed in the spring or fall – improves your lawn’s health and beauty, optimizes root development and reduces thatch and asso…

There are 7 comments .

Weed Man Fredericton —

Weed Mans Aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of
soil—which are then deposited on the surface (they’ll work their way into
the grass within a month). The small holes that remain help to break up
compacted areas and allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone.

To see aeration in action, check out this really neat video of a mechanical
core aeration in action! 

Reply »
Weed Man New Glasgow —

Weed Mans Aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of
soil—which are then deposited on the surface (they’ll work their way into
the grass within a month). The small holes that remain help to break up
compacted areas and allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone.

To see aeration in action, check out this really neat video of a mechanical
core aeration in action! 

Reply »
Weed Man Southwest Nova —

Weed Mans aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of
soil—which are then deposited on the surface (they’ll work their way into
the grass within a month). The small holes that remain help to break up
compacted areas and allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone.

To see aeration in action, check out this really neat video of a mechanical
core aeration in action! 

Reply »
Weed Man Halifax —

Weed Mans aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of
soil—which are then deposited on the surface (they’ll work their way into
the grass within a month). The small holes that remain help to break up
compacted areas and allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone.

To see aeration in action, check out this really neat video of a mechanical
core aeration in action! 

Reply »
Weed Man Moncton —

Weed Mans aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of
soil—which are then deposited on the surface (they’ll work their way into
the grass within a month). The small holes that remain help to break up
compacted areas and allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone.

To see aeration in action, check out this really neat video of a mechanical
core aeration in action

Reply »
Weed Man Winnipeg —

In the mad rush to ensure your lawn is mowed, weeded, fertilized and
irrigated, the need for aerating is often overlooked. But, as sod ages, the
soil underneath can become so compacted, there is little or no pore space,
making it difficult for grass roots to absorb water and nutrients. Before
long, the lawn will deteriorate, becoming more susceptible to weeds and
attack by insects and diseases.

Aeration involves the removal of small cores—or plugs of soil—which are
then deposited on the surface (they’ll work their way into the grass within
a month). The small holes that remain help to break up compacted areas and
allow water and air to penetrate to the root zone.

To see aeration in action, check out this really neat video of a mechanical
core aeration in action! #weedman #weedmanlawncare #lawncaretips

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