Peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, bedding plants like tuberous begonias and geraniums, which are all tender warm weather vegetables, can be planted now in areas south of Chicago and Cleverland latitude. You should wait a week or two if your are in areas farther north.
Though these plants could possibly tolerate the cooler temperatures of earlier planting, they would be exposed to sever…
Fertilizer Lawn Alert
August 2, 2015 // no comments
Latest Best Lawn Fertilizer News
March 14, 2015 // no comments
Show your lawn some love, the importance of aeration before fertilization
SOUTHERN UTAH / ADVERTORIAL —This time of year, the ground beneath your lawn is either beginning to thaw or has thawed with the record high temperatures experienced, marking the beginning of a new season and the time for your first fertilizing …
Read more on St Georg…
Libertyville restricts lawn fertilizer use to protect water quality
March 3, 2015 // no comments
Libertyville restricts lawn fertilizer use to protect water quality
Libertyville has greatly limited the use of phosphorus lawn fertilizers, joining about a dozen other Lake County municipalities in ramping up restrictions in hopes of saving money and protecting nearby lakes, streams and water supplies. "As we do more …
Read more on Chicago Tribune
Right Place, Right Time, Right…
Latest Best Lawn Fertilizer For Spring News
February 14, 2015 // no comments
Master Gardener: Pre-emergent herbicides used in spring prevent summer …
Water washes the chemical from its carrier — usually fertilizer, clay or other particles — and deposits it on the soil surface. There the … A soil test is a good place to start with solving these problems as well as OSU fact sheets covering all …
Read more on Tulsa…
Pet Safe Lawn Fertilizer – Apply, Water, Play!
November 26, 2014 // no comments

Pet Safe Lawn Fertilizer allows you to maintain a lawn like the pros without any of the dangers! Pet Safe is a professional-quality fertilizer that delivers …
Lawn fertilizers pet safety tips. What’s the best way to keep your pets safe when fertilizing your lawn. At Total Turf Landscaping, we make sure your pets ar…
Video Rating: 5 /…
How do I select the best lawn fertilizer and when to fertilize my lawn?
September 20, 2014 // 2 comments
If you’re looking to grow a lawn that’s the envy of your neighbors, you have to choose the right fertilizer for the right season and the right kind of grass….
Video Rating: 3 /…
Scotts Lawn Fertilizer – Lawn Care Program
June 5, 2014 // no comments
Not everyone knows the right way to take care of their lawns because they have never had a proper and affordable channel to inquire. Of course there are profession landscapers who always offer you help, but only if you agree to pay for their advice. However, Scotts lawn fertilizer has finally introduced a very easy to follow and complete lawn care program custom made for all your gardening…
Fertilizer Basics – Sta-Green Lawn Care Program
June 3, 2014 // 2 comments

Your lawn is an important part of your home. It is the first thing people see when they come to visit, and it has a definite impact on your home’s value. Mos…
Learn more about controlling mosquitoes showing up in your yard on Mosquitoes are the ultimate pest! In this video,…
How Much Fertilizer Do I Put On The Lawn
April 11, 2014 // 50 comments
It’s important to know the amount of fertilizer you are applying – in this video, I show you how to calculate exactly the right amount so when you do apply f…
Video Rating: 4 / 5
See more: Choosing the appropriate fertilizer is an important step in getting your lawn, shrubs, trees, flowers and veggies looking good.