

Maintaining a Healthy Lawn

March 6, 2015 // 12 comments

Tips from Paul James, The Gardener Guy, on maintaining a healthy lawn.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This Old House landscape contractor Roger Cook and host Kevin O’Connor share tips for keeping your mower running smoothly all summer long. (See below for a s…
Video Rating: 4 /…

5 Tips For Maintaining St Augustine Grass

February 14, 2015 // no comments

St. Augustine grass is one of the more coarse species of grass and its typical use is for lawns. St. Augustine grass is also considered to be a shade tolerant grass and can be grown successfully in most of Texas.  This particular species of grass is not as durable in colder climates so the North Texas area tends to be one of the more difficult areas to grow and maintain St. Augustine grass.

Tips For Maintaining Lawns

June 5, 2014 // no comments

I know that all of us wish to have beautiful lawns in our house but the problem with them is that we fail to maintain them. The plants in the garden get wilted and the grass becomes dry and the overall appearance of the lawn looks ugly and we feel very much sad about it. But now don’t worry; in this article I will introduce you to some of the tips and by following those tips you will be ab…

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