
This week's gardening tips: lawn weed killers, watering tropicals and spring

This week's gardening tips: lawn weed killers, watering tropicals and spring
The foliage of spring-flowering bulbs is growing. It's very hardy and will not be bothered by freezes. The flowers are more susceptible to cold damage, and open flowers should be cut if temperatures in the low 20s are predicted. Place the cut flowers …

Preparing Your Lawn And Garden Equipment For Spring: Tips From The
“Many are so eager to pull out lawn and garden equipment once spring arrives that they sometimes forget basic steps to ensure the powerhouse of the equipment—the engine—is in good working order,” said Kris Kiser, president and CEO of OPEI.
Read more on Hutchinson News

The Invention Mob, Brought to You by Quirky
Big companies want to pick up innovation tips from Quirky, but they will be encountering a corporate culture whose essence Mr. Kaufman defines as “a complete disregard for the way things are supposed to be done.” A Macworld Epiphany …. Someday, homes …
Read more on New York Times

Five spring gardening renovation tips | THE COMPLEAT HOME GARDENER
Garden renovation is a lot like de-cluttering your indoor space with a fresh look and clean sweep of the overgrown, overdone and overwhelming plants and design elements in your outdoor space. Here's the top five tips for renovating your garden this …
Read more on Renton Reporter

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